What do I find in the menu?
Internship place
Here you can find information about the internship place(s), you are associated with, as well as information about staff in relation to internships. An internship place(ment) can create new staff. To access the students, you either have to be internship place administrator or be attached to the student for whom you sre cousellor.
Internship positions
Here you can see the status of the internship positions that either are being processed by the programme administration or has yet to be approved by you, the internship place. Here you can also see all of the approved (and rejected) internship positions.
Here you can see the current students' activitites, as well as attach counsellors to students/practical placements.
Here you can make activity templates, which you can add to the students' activity flow.
Under Communcation you will find Dialouge forum. In Dialouge forum you can create dialouges with whomever associated with a danish university college. Thus it is possible to start a dialouge with counellors from other danish university colleges and other progammes than the ones, you are associated with. The messages here are conversational.
If you wish to send a message directly to the student, you can do so by entering the student's pracical placement overview.
Instruction drafted by Eva Leth, June 2016, updated September 2016