Instructions to PraktikportalenCounsellorsProcessing of personal dataProcessing of personal data of contact persons and staff at internship companies

Processing of personal data of contact persons and staff at internship companies

This article is a translation of the Danish article Behandling af personoplysninger om kontaktpersoner og ansatte på praktiksteder. In the event of any discrepancies between this English translation and the original Danish article, the Danish article takes precedence.

The Internship Portal is a national portal used by all university college study programmes that feature a mandatory internship.

The Internship Portal is used for dealing with every aspect of a student's internship. Study programme staff and students, as well as employees with a particular internship host, all have access to the Internship Portal. Using the Portal requires a log in.

Once a programme has registered you as a future internship supervisor, you will receive an e-mail with information about access, log in etc.

The Internship Portal is used for students from all Danish university college study programmes. For this reason, internship hosts will in some cases be able to create their own internship places in the Portal, while in other cases, students or university college staff will be in charge of creating the places. Whether an internship host will be able to create their own internship places depends on the kind of study programme they are associated with.

When you use the Internship Portal, a range of personal data will be registered. Please find more details below.

The personal data we register:
The Internship Portal will be used to process the following personal data:

  • Fundamental data (exclusive of your CPR No.) These are e.g. you name, e-mail, telephone number, place of employment and possibly the address of your place of employment.
  • Information about the internship, such as any correspondence between the internship host, the student or university college staff.
  • Any other data you share with other users of the Portal.

The purposes of our processing activities:
We process your data for the following purposes:

  • To ensure that the internship host is aware of the terms and conditions of the internship as well as the student's tasks and in some cases the student's weekly working hours.
  • To ensure that the internship host assesses the student's internship.
  • To ease contact between all parties to an internship.
  • To ensure the safe storage of all relevant internship data.


Who is responsible for the data processing activities?
Your personal data is processed in accordance with Article 6(1)(e) of the EU's General Data Protection Regulation as we exercise official authority in our capacity of higher education providers. The particular educational institution that is in responsible for the internship will also be responsible for processing your personal data in the Internship Portal. You can learn more about the personal data processing activities at the website of each individual educational institution where you will also find contact information for the relevant data protection officer. If you have any questions regarding the processing of your data, you should always contact the relevant educational institution.


Storage of your personal data 
Your personal data will be stored in the Internship Portal and may also be stored in a primary student administration system belonging to the specific university college. After one year of inactivity, internship staff user profiles will be deleted.

If you read student papers and assess internships using the digital exam system (WISEflow) through your access to the Internship Portal, a limited amount of personal data (name, e-mail, telephone No.) will be transmitted to the exam system. The purpose of this transmission is to allow access to the system and ensure your safe login. After one year of inactivity, internship staff user profiles will be deleted.

Transfer and disclosure of personal data
Your personal data will not be transferred to other parties (neither internal nor external) other than the ones involved in the internship.

The university colleges may disclose your data for research purposes or for evaluations or other relevant research on internships. Should this happen, we will always inform you.

Your rights
You have a number of rights that you may exercise in relation to the processing of your personal data. One purpose of these rights is to lend openness and transparency to our processing activities. If you want to exercise your rights, please contact the university college responsible for your intern. You can also get in touch with the data protection officer with the relevant university college.

Right of access
You have the right to see the personal data that is stored by the educational institution, and you have the right to receive a free copy of that data.

Right to rectification
If you find out that the educational institution is processing incorrect data, you have the right to have the data rectified.

Right to erasure
You have the right to have your personal data erased. However, you should be aware that in many cases educational institutions are subject to legislation that prevents them from immediately erasing data that is being processed.

Right to restriction of processing
In some circumstances, you have the right to have the processing of your personal data restricted. This means that the educational institution is not allowed to process your personal data, but that it is still allowed to store the data.

Right to object
You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data. This means that your personal data can no longer be processed unless demonstrable and compelling legitimate reasons for processing override your interests, rights and freedoms, or if processing is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.

Right to lodge a complaint 
You have a right to lodge a complaint with the Danish Data Protection Agency about the processing of your personal data if you believe that it goes against the GDPR. Find the Agency’s contact details at

If you want to exercise your rights, please contact the data protection officer of the relevant university college.